Friday, January 28, 2011

Stuffed Mushroom

Eilo...Happy Friday! Though I have endless meetings today, I am very happy to remind myself that tomorrow I won't have to wake up before 2 PM.

Yesterday I made stuffed mushroom. I know I should have taken pictures but it is just not in my gene. I always remember "oh I should have..." after the whole process has been done 85%. Anyway, just imagine any stuffed mushroom you have seen.

I followed this easy recipe. I used white mushroom for the dish. I didn't use onion powder but adopted other readers' suggestion of chopped green onions. I also added chopped parsley to add color. In addition, with my own experience, you want to get rid of the water coming from the baked mushroom in the beginning; otherwise the stuffing will become quite disgusting. So, before the whole process (after removing the stems), I put the mushroom in the oven for 20 mins to get rid of extra water, take it out, wait till it cold and get it stuffed.

Boden parka, Jcrew tshirt,
Gap jeans, Jcrew necklace

This is my outdoor outfit!


  1. U look so cute akakakkakaa miss the cold cold cold weather!
    While I m thinking if I should buy a trench coat and just for few in LA becomes 80+ degree =.=
    sigh although I still wanna buy the coat...but idk if it's a right decision.

  2. Baby u are the person who told me 2012 is coming. I sincerely buy what you said:) so did u buy the UGG?

  3. Totally agree with A, you look sooooooo cute!!

  4. 兩位真是我的好友!我快無聊死了無聊的週末!!

  5. 周末怎麼會無聊呢?可以窩在家看看電視/電影/影集,好開心的呢~~

  6. 媽的咧!!我想我好像表達錯我要講的話!我想說得是週末過好快但整個講成反話!最近有啥美國影集好看的嗎?!大師

  7. 我最近周末很少在家,老姐結婚,週末都在幫忙~~明天就放年假了,我應該會在過年大看影集跟電影,看了後再推薦你。之前有看Rule of engagement 和 how I met your mother,都很好笑。Classic no brainer drama.
